An Ikea store: summer resort in Beijing
日期:2016-01-18 20:03  点击:302
As record temperatures hit China, an Ikea store in Beijing has seen a surge in interest from citizens looking for air-conditioning, comfortable sofas and a good nap. Shanghai experienced its hottest July in 140 years with temperatures as high as 40.8 C. At least 10 Shanghai residents have reportedly died from heat stroke this summer.
中国气温再创历史新高,北京的一家宜家门店迎来了一大批市民,他们来这里享受空调和舒服的沙发,顺便小睡一会儿。上海经历了140年来的最热的7月,气温高达40.8 ℃。据报道至少10名上海居民死于高温。

China Weather TV just released a new list of the hottest cities in China. Fuzhou, a city in Southeast China, topped the chart with the temperature passing 35 C for 32 days of the year. Shanghai ranked 16 in the list.

People in recent days have stayed indoors whenever possible, wher it's typically air-conditioned.

"Malls are full, swimming pools and water parks are packed, taxis are hard to find because residents take taxis rather than walk even if it's just two blocks.

Residents who live in old neighborhoods in houses without air-conditioning seek refuge in malls and other air-conditioned public places.

Ikea's latest mattress commercial? "You can only feel the comfort when you lie down," says the sign in Chinese. This "customer" needed no further invitation.
宜家最新的床垫广告?“舒适只有躺下能感受到,” 中文广告牌上这样写着。这位“顾客”不请自来。

Some provinces in China have fired rain-dispersal rockets, which create artificial rain, to combat continual high temperatures and dry weather.

Communal living has never been as celebrated as in the Beijing Ikea.

There's a reason display items are sold cheaper.


03/04 04:53
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