A Chinese-American university student mistakenly left in a Drug Enforcement Administration interrogation room for five days will receive $4.1 million from the government in a settlement in advance of a lawsuit.
一位美籍华裔大学生被“遗忘” 在美国缉毒署审讯室达5天之久。该名学生目前与缉毒署达成和解,将获赔410万美元。
The settlement was announced Tuesday in San Diego by the student, Daniel Chong, 25, and his lawyer, Eugene Iredale.
"It was an accident, a really bad, horrible accident," said Chong, who added that he now suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder.
The bizarre event in April 2012 began when Chong, an engineering student at UC San Diego, went to a house near campus to smoke marijuana with friends and found himself swept up in a DEA raid.
After being questioned briefly at the DEA facility in San Diego, he was told he would be released. But, for reasons that remain unclear, he was left for five days in a 5-by-10-foot windowless room without food, water or toilet facilities.
He suffered hallucinations and was forced to drink his urine to survive. He screamed for help. Fearing he would die, he broke his glasses and scrawled the message, “Sorry, mom” on his arm.
丹尼尔甚至出现了幻觉,为了生存他被迫喝下自己的尿液。他大声呼叫求助,因为怕自己会死掉,他打破了眼镜在自己的手臂上刻下了“对不起,妈妈” 这样的遗言。
When he was discovered by DEA employees, he was covered in his own feces and severely dehydrated. He was rushed to a hospital, close to kidney failure and breathing with difficulty. He spent five days in the hospital.
Days later, a top DEA official apologized to Chong and ordered an “extensive review” of DEA procedures.
一位美籍华裔大学生被“遗忘” 在美国缉毒署审讯室达5天之久。该名学生目前与缉毒署达成和解,将获赔410万美元。
The settlement was announced Tuesday in San Diego by the student, Daniel Chong, 25, and his lawyer, Eugene Iredale.
"It was an accident, a really bad, horrible accident," said Chong, who added that he now suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder.
The bizarre event in April 2012 began when Chong, an engineering student at UC San Diego, went to a house near campus to smoke marijuana with friends and found himself swept up in a DEA raid.
After being questioned briefly at the DEA facility in San Diego, he was told he would be released. But, for reasons that remain unclear, he was left for five days in a 5-by-10-foot windowless room without food, water or toilet facilities.
He suffered hallucinations and was forced to drink his urine to survive. He screamed for help. Fearing he would die, he broke his glasses and scrawled the message, “Sorry, mom” on his arm.
丹尼尔甚至出现了幻觉,为了生存他被迫喝下自己的尿液。他大声呼叫求助,因为怕自己会死掉,他打破了眼镜在自己的手臂上刻下了“对不起,妈妈” 这样的遗言。
When he was discovered by DEA employees, he was covered in his own feces and severely dehydrated. He was rushed to a hospital, close to kidney failure and breathing with difficulty. He spent five days in the hospital.
Days later, a top DEA official apologized to Chong and ordered an “extensive review” of DEA procedures.