Learn Chinese L26: Let's go to see Beijing Opera tomorrow!
日期:2016-01-20 19:28  点击:365
Dachuan comes to Wang Jun's home as a guest. Dachuan is very interested in the Peking Opera masks that addorn Wang Jun's home. They make an appointment to see Peking Opera together.

Dialogue One

zhè  xiē shì  shén  me
这  些  是  什  么?
What are these?
zhè  xiē shì jīng jù liǎn pǔ nǐ kàn  guò jīng jù ma
这  些  是 京  剧  脸  谱。你 看  过  京  剧 吗?
These are Peking Opera masks. Have you ever see the Peking Opera?
méi  kàn  guò
没  看  过。
Not yet.
míng tiān  zán  men  qù  kàn jīng jù ba
明   天  咱  们  去  看  京  剧 吧!
Let's go and see the Peking Opera tomorrow!
hǎo a jiào lǐ  méi tā men yì  qǐ qù ba
好  啊!叫  李 梅  他  们  一 起 去 吧!
Ok. Ask Li Mei and them to go with us!
Dialogue Two
piào mài guāng le
票  卖  光  了。
The tickets are sold out.
méi guān  xi wǒ men  kě yǐ qù  bié  de  dì fang
没  关  系,我  们  可 以 去  别  的  地  方。
No problem. We can go somewher else.
zán men  qù xiāng shān ba
咱  们  去  香   山  吧!
Let's go to the Fragrant Hills then.
xiāng shān  tài yuǎn  le  qù yí  hé yuán zěn me yàng
香   山  太  远  了。去 颐 和  园   怎  么  样?
They're too far from here. What about the Summer Palace?
wǒ jué de qù gù gōng gèng yǒu  yì  si
我  觉  得  去 故  宫   更   有  意 思。
I think the Forbidden City is more interesting.
zhēn má fan  kuài diǎnr jué  dìng ba
真   麻  烦, 快  点儿  决  定  吧!
Why are you so troublesome! Let's make a decision as soon as possible.
Explanation of difficult points

1. 叫
In this case "叫" (jiào) means "tell /ask (somebody to do something)", which is different to when it was used in "我叫大川" (wǒ jiào dà chuān).

2. 胡曼他们
"胡曼他们" (hú màn tā men) has a meaning similar to the casual "Hu Man and those guys/other people..."

3. ……光了
"(verb)……光了" (guāng le) means that the verb has caused there to be emptiness/no more/finished. "票卖光了" (piào mài guāng le) means that "all of the tickets have been sold".

4. 有意思
The phrase "有意思" (yǒu yì si) means "interesting", which is different from "意思" (yì si, meaning) and "不好意思" (bù hǎo yì si, I'm sorry/to be embarrassed).

5. 麻烦
麻烦" (má fan) is used differently than it was in Lesson 21. In this context "真麻烦" (zhēn má fan) it is an adjective that means "troublesome/annoying" but in "麻烦您" (má fan nín) it is a verb that means "to bother".


02/22 12:10
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