Learn Chinese L24: What a beautiful dress!
日期:2016-01-20 19:29  点击:313
Hu Man comes to Li Mei's home to attend her birthday party. She says that Li Mei's cheongsam is very beautiful.

Dialogue One

shēng rì kuài lè  lǐ  méi nǐ  jīn  tiān
生   日  快  乐!李 梅! 你 今  天
chuān  de  zhēn piào liang
穿   得  真  漂  亮!
Happy birthday, Li Mei. You are dressed so beautifully today!
xiè xie  zhè jiàn  yī  fu shì dà chuān mǎi de
谢  谢! 这  件  衣 服 是  大  川  买  的。
Thanks. Dachuan bought this clothing for me.
dà chuān zhēn yǒu  pǐn  wèi
大  川   真  有  品  位。
Dachuan has good taste.
Dialogue Two
xiè xie  zhè kuǎn kā fēi  jī zhèng shì  wǒ xiǎng yào de
谢  谢! 这  款  咖 啡 机  正   是  我  想  要  的。
nǐ xiǎng de zhēn zhōu dào
你  想  得  真   周  到!
Thanks. This coffee machine is just what I wanted. You are so considerate.
bú kè qi xī wàng  nǐ huì  xǐ huan
不 客 气,希  望  你 会  喜  欢。
My pleasure. I'm glad you like it.
wǒ fēi cháng  xǐ huan
我  非  常  喜  欢!
I like it very much.
nǐ  de shēng  rì dàn  gāo  kàn  qǐ  lái hěn tè bié
你 的  生  日 蛋  糕  看  起 来  很  特 别,
shì  shuí  dìng de
是  谁  订  的?
Your birthday cake is beautiful. Who ordered it?
shì wǒ ya
是  我  呀!
It's me.
Explanation of difficult points

"呀" (ya) is an exclamation that is put at the end of the sentence to express enthusiasm/surprise.


02/22 11:54
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