Learn Chinese L17: My stomach aches very badly.
日期:2016-01-21 21:05  点击:375
Dachuan is wakened by the alarm clock in the morning. He doesn't want to attend class, so he rings his teacher Mr. Zhang and tells him that he is sick.

Dialogue One

zhāng  lǎo shī nǐ  hǎo
张   老  师, 你 好!
wǒ jīn tiān  bù néng qù  shàng kè  le
我  今 天  不  能  去  上  课 了。
Hello, Mr. Zhang. I can't go to class today.
nǐ zěn me le
你 怎  么  了?
What's wrong?
wǒ  gǎn mào  le
我  感  冒  了。
I've caught a cold.
nà nǐ hǎo hāo xiū  xi ba
那 你 好  好  休  息 吧!
Then have a good rest.
Dialogue Two
nǐ  nǎr bù shū fu
你  哪儿 不  舒  服?
What's wrong with you?
wǒ dù zi téng  de lì  hai  wǒ zǎo shang chī le sān gè
我  肚 子 疼  得 厉 害。 我  早   上   吃 了 三  个
píng guǒ bàn jīn pú tao hé hěn duō  bīng qí  lín
苹  果、 半  斤 葡 萄  和  很  多  冰  淇 淋。
My stomach aches. I ate three apples, a half a kilo grapes and several pints of icecream.
méi guān  xi chī liǎng tiān yào  jiù huì hǎo de
没  关  系。吃  两  天  药  就 会  好  的。
Don't worry. You'll be fine after taking this medicine for two days.
hǎo  de  xiè xie
好  的, 谢 谢。
Ok. Thanks.
Explanation of difficult points

1. 能
"能" (néng) means "can/to be able to" do something and indicates ability (that is not an acquired skill, in which case "会" (huì) would be used instead). "能" and "可以" (kě yǐ) have similar meanings, but "能" refers to the ability to do something, while "可以"refers more to the willingness to do something. Also, "可以" has a slightly softer tone.

2. reduplicative word
"好好" (hǎo hāo) is an example of the Chinese convention of repeating an adjective or adverb for added emphasis. If the term is made of two words, the repetition is in this form: repeat the first word twice, then the second word twice. For example: "高兴" (gāo xìng) when replicated turns into "高高兴兴" (gāo gāo xìng xìng).

3. units of quantity
Chinese units of mass measurement do not entirely follow metric or standard conventions. The two most commonly used units in the traditional measuring system are the "两" (liǎng) and the "斤" (jīn). One "两" is approximately equivalent to 50g or 1.764oz and one "斤" is 10 "两", or approximately 500g or 1.102lb. For a frame of reference, 1 "斤" is approximately the mass of 3 average sized apples. This is the traditional measuring unit, but kilograms "公斤" (gōng jīn) are used as well. These units are commonly used when buying fruit, vegetables, and meat. The traditional system is used more often by street vendors and the metric system is used in larger supermarkets. In smaller villages, the traditional system is more prevalent. In cities, both the traditional and metric systems are used.


03/03 14:08
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