In the dorm Dachuan is happily packing things he is going to bring to the seaside the next day. Gao Qiang tells him a piece of bad news.
Dialogue One
tiān qì yù bào shuō míng tiān yǒu yǔ
天 气 预 报 说, 明 天 有 雨。
The forecast calls for rain tomorrow.
zhēn dǎo méi
真 倒 霉!
That's such a drag!
Dialogue Two
jīn tiān tiān qì zěn me yàng
今 天 天 气 怎 么 样?
What's the weather like today?
zuó tiān tiān qì yù bào shuō jīn tiān shì qíng tiān
昨 天 天 气 预 报 说, 今 天 是 晴 天。
Yesterday's weather forecast said it would be sunny today.
tài hǎo le zhōng yú kě yǐ chū qu wánr le
太 好 了! 终 于 可 以 出 去 玩儿 了。
Terrific. I can go play outside.
wǒ tǎo yàn tiān qì yù bào
我 讨 厌 天 气 预 报!
I hate weather forecasts. They are unreliable.
Explanation of difficult points
1. talking about weather
For rain, snow, wind, fog, or hail, you can use "有……" (yǒu), but if it is sunny/clear skies, then use "是晴天" (shì qíng tiān).
2. 怎么样
"怎么样" (zěn me yàng) in this case means "...(some topic)..., what's it like?" or "How is it?"
3. 出去
"出去" (chū qu) is a special construction. "出" (chū) is the verb, and "去" (qù) here is acting as a directional complement. There are two directional complements, one is "去" and the other is "来." (lái) These directional complements indicate in what direction the action is taking place in reference to the speaker, for example: "出去" means "go out" and "出来" (chū lái) means "come out." Directional complements are only used after certain verbs. Some of these are "出", "回" (huí), and "拿" (ná).
Dialogue One
tiān qì yù bào shuō míng tiān yǒu yǔ
天 气 预 报 说, 明 天 有 雨。
The forecast calls for rain tomorrow.
zhēn dǎo méi
真 倒 霉!
That's such a drag!
Dialogue Two
jīn tiān tiān qì zěn me yàng
今 天 天 气 怎 么 样?
What's the weather like today?
zuó tiān tiān qì yù bào shuō jīn tiān shì qíng tiān
昨 天 天 气 预 报 说, 今 天 是 晴 天。
Yesterday's weather forecast said it would be sunny today.
tài hǎo le zhōng yú kě yǐ chū qu wánr le
太 好 了! 终 于 可 以 出 去 玩儿 了。
Terrific. I can go play outside.
wǒ tǎo yàn tiān qì yù bào
我 讨 厌 天 气 预 报!
I hate weather forecasts. They are unreliable.
Explanation of difficult points
1. talking about weather
For rain, snow, wind, fog, or hail, you can use "有……" (yǒu), but if it is sunny/clear skies, then use "是晴天" (shì qíng tiān).
2. 怎么样
"怎么样" (zěn me yàng) in this case means "...(some topic)..., what's it like?" or "How is it?"
3. 出去
"出去" (chū qu) is a special construction. "出" (chū) is the verb, and "去" (qù) here is acting as a directional complement. There are two directional complements, one is "去" and the other is "来." (lái) These directional complements indicate in what direction the action is taking place in reference to the speaker, for example: "出去" means "go out" and "出来" (chū lái) means "come out." Directional complements are only used after certain verbs. Some of these are "出", "回" (huí), and "拿" (ná).