Dachuan is strolling through the athletic fields on campus. Many students are doing sports. Suddenly a guy asks him to play ping pong. Dachuan happily agrees. To his surprise the guy is a master ping pong player.
Dialogue One
nǐ huì dǎ pīng pāng qiú ma
你 会 打 乒 乓 球 吗?
Do you play ping pong?
wǒ huì dàn shì dǎ de bú tài hǎo
我 会, 但 是 打 得 不 太 好。
Yes, I can. But I'm not that good.
méi guān xi wǒ dǎ de yě bù hǎo
没 关 系。我 打 得 也 不 好。
It doesn't matter. Me neither.
Dialogue Two
nǐ xiǎnɡ dānɡ běi jīnɡ ào yùn huì de zhì yuàn zhě mɑ
你 想 当 北 京 奥 运 会 的 志 愿 者 吗?
Do you want to be a volunteer for Beijing Olympic Games?
dānɡ rán xiǎnɡ suǒ yǐ wǒ yào nǔ lì xué xí hàn yǔ
当 然 想。 所 以 我 要 努 力 学 习 汉 语。
Yes, of course. So I must try hard to study Chinese.
jiā yóu
加 油!
Keep going!
Explanations of difficult points
1. 会
"会"(huì) means acquiring a skill through learning. For instance, "会游泳"(huì yóu yǒng, able to swim), "会驾驶"(huì jià shǐ, able to drive). It's not an inborn ability.
2. 得
"得"(de) is a structural particle that follows a verb. It means "(verb)...in such a way". "不太好(bú tài hǎo)" means "not very good/well". So "打得不太好"(dǎ de bú tài hǎo) means "to play badly/not very well".
Dialogue One
nǐ huì dǎ pīng pāng qiú ma
你 会 打 乒 乓 球 吗?
Do you play ping pong?
wǒ huì dàn shì dǎ de bú tài hǎo
我 会, 但 是 打 得 不 太 好。
Yes, I can. But I'm not that good.
méi guān xi wǒ dǎ de yě bù hǎo
没 关 系。我 打 得 也 不 好。
It doesn't matter. Me neither.
Dialogue Two
nǐ xiǎnɡ dānɡ běi jīnɡ ào yùn huì de zhì yuàn zhě mɑ
你 想 当 北 京 奥 运 会 的 志 愿 者 吗?
Do you want to be a volunteer for Beijing Olympic Games?
dānɡ rán xiǎnɡ suǒ yǐ wǒ yào nǔ lì xué xí hàn yǔ
当 然 想。 所 以 我 要 努 力 学 习 汉 语。
Yes, of course. So I must try hard to study Chinese.
jiā yóu
加 油!
Keep going!
Explanations of difficult points
1. 会
"会"(huì) means acquiring a skill through learning. For instance, "会游泳"(huì yóu yǒng, able to swim), "会驾驶"(huì jià shǐ, able to drive). It's not an inborn ability.
2. 得
"得"(de) is a structural particle that follows a verb. It means "(verb)...in such a way". "不太好(bú tài hǎo)" means "not very good/well". So "打得不太好"(dǎ de bú tài hǎo) means "to play badly/not very well".