Everyday Chinese: Lesson 50 Paying for the Treatment
日期:2016-01-23 20:51  点击:317
Everyday Chinese is the online Chinese course which designed for language learners who would like to acquire practical communication skills. Today we will learn useful expressions.


1. 快叫救护车!
Kuài jiào jiùhùchē!
Zuì hǎo zhùyuàn guānchá jǐ tiān. 

2. 他流了很多血。
Tā liúle hěn duō xiě.
What’s your name? 

3. 没有生命危险吧?
Méiyǒu shēngmìng wēixiǎn ba?
This is my business card.

4. 最好住院观察几天。
Zuìhǎo zhù yuàn guānchá jǐ tiān.
Long time no see.


02/22 11:48
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