Everyday Chinese: Lesson 34 At the Hotel
日期:2016-01-23 21:00  点击:335
Everyday Chinese is the online Chinese course which designed for language learners who would like to acquire practical communication skills. Today we will learn some useful expressions at the hotel.


1. 请问,邮局在哪儿?
Qǐngwèn, yóujú zài nǎr?
Excuse me, wher is the post office?

2. 我要寄包裹。
Wǒ yào jì bāoguǒ.
I'd like to send a package.

3. 多长时间能到?
Duō cháng shíjiān néng dào?
How long will it take for the package to arrive?

4. 我要取包裹。
Wǒ yào qǔ bāoguǒ.
I'd like to get my package back.

5. 我要买几张明信片寄给朋友。
Wǒ yào mǎi jǐ zhāng míngxìnpiàn jì gěi péngyou.
I'd like to buy some postcards and send them to my friends.


02/21 18:21
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