Everyday Chinese: Lesson 24 At the Book Store
日期:2016-01-23 21:06  点击:372
Everyday Chinese is the online Chinese course which designed for language learners who would like to acquire practical communication skills. Today we will learn some useful expressions at the book store.


1. 我想买一个小冰箱。
Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yī gè xiǎo bīngxiāng.
I'm looking for a small fridge.

2. 哪种质量好?
Nǎ zhǒng zhìliàng hǎo?
Which one is better?

3. 它的噪音特别小。
Tā de zàoyīn tèbié xiǎo.
This one doesn't make much noise.

4. 别的店更便宜。
Bié de diàn gèng piányi.
Prices in other shops are much lower.

5. 能用信用卡吗?
Néng yòng xìnyòngkǎ ma?
Can I use my credit card?

6. 能送货吗?
Néng sòng huò ma?
Including delivery?


09/22 14:37
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