Everyday Chinese: Lesson 19 At the Fruit Market
日期:2016-01-23 21:09  点击:331
Everyday Chinese is the online Chinese course which designed for language learners who would like to acquire practical communication skills. Today we will learn useful expressions at the fruit market.


1. 请问有洗发水卖吗?
Qǐngwèn yǒu xǐfàshuǐ mài ma?
Please may I ask is there shampoo sold here?

2. 我想退货。
Wǒ xiǎng tuì huò.
I'd like to return this.

3. 您的发票带来了吗?
Nín de fāpiào dàilai le ma?
Do you have the receipt with you?

4. 您给退了吧。
Nín gěi tuì le ba.
Please help me return this.


03/13 15:49
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