Everyday Chinese: Lesson 8 Talking about others
日期:2016-01-24 20:38  点击:414
Everyday Chinese is the online Chinese course which designed for language learners who would like to acquire practical communication skills. Today we will learn how to talk with others.


1. 喂,刘经理在家吗?
Wéi, Liú jīnglǐ zài jiā ma?
Hello. Is manager Liu in?
2. 他什么时候回来?
Tā shénme shíhou huílai?
When would he be back?

3. 请他给我回个电话。
Qǐng tā gěi wǒ huí gè diànhuà.
Please tell him to call me back.


09/22 12:41
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