Lesson 119 Position Words (3)
日期:2016-01-27 20:32  点击:326
M: Dàjiā hǎo. Huānyíng nǐmen dào Xiànzài Xué Hànyǔ. Wǒ shì ML.

S: Wǒ shì Stuart. To warm up, everyone say, 119. Duìle. Yì bǎi yī shí jiǔ.

M: Now say, Today it's lesson 119. 恭喜gōngxǐ. Completely correct完全正确wánquán zhèngquè. Jīntiān shì dì yì bǎi yī shí jiǔ kè.

S: And today, lots of duìmiàn, 'opposite' practice.

M: And now, listen and repeat everything with us.

S: I am sitting opposite ML我坐在曼丽的对面wǒ zuòzài Man Li de duìmiàn.

M: I am sitting opposite Stuart, Bái Jūnshì我坐在白君士的对面wǒ zuòzài Bái Jūnshì de duìmiàn.

S: The room opposite mine is Man Li's room我对面的房间是曼丽的 wǒ duìmiàn de fángjiān shì Màn Lì de。

M: 所以,therefore, 我对面的房间是白君士的suǒyǐ, wǒ duìmiàn de fángjiān shì Bái Jūn shì de.

S: Well, that was a very stimulating, logical four sentences. Break time!

S: Now, using some vocabulary we haven't practiced for a while, let's practice using duìmiàn. Repeat repeat repeat.

M: The shop is opposite the友谊宾馆 - Friendship Hotel. 商店在友谊宾馆对面shāngdiàn zài yǒuyí bīnguǎn duìmiàn.

S: The shop isn't opposite the Friendship Store? 商店不在友谊商店的对面吗shāngdiàn bú zài yǒuyí shāngdiàn de duìmiàn ma?

M: 不,它在友谊宾馆的对面, tāzài yǒuyí bīnguǎn de duìmiàn.

S: Now listen really carefully, and pick out the words for 'railway station' and 'subway station'. A clue, the word for station is站zhàn. ML will now say, the railway station is opposite the subway station.

M: 火车站在地铁站对面huǒchēzhàn zài dìtiězhàn duìmiàn.

S: Now you guys at home say, the subway station is opposite the railway station.

M: Fēichánghǎo. 地铁站在火车站对面。dìtiězhàn zài huǒchēzhàn duìmiàn.

S: Now answer this question. 火车站在友谊宾馆对面吗? huǒchēzhàn zài yǒuyí bīnguǎn duìmiàn ma?

M: Did you say something like不,火车站在地铁站对面bù, huǒchēzhàn zài dìtiězhàn duìmiàn?Very good! Now let's have a break.

S: Ok. Now we'll finish by repeating some of today's sentences. 我坐在曼丽的对面wǒ zuòzài Man Li de duìmiàn.

M: 所以,我坐在白君士的对面suǒyǐ, wǒ zuòzài Bái Jūnshì de duìmiàn.

S: Understood? Dǒngle ma? Hěn hǎo! And zài jiàn.

M: Zàijiàn!


02/03 22:07
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