Meaning:The Winter Solstice
Sentence:Winter solstice is the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere and marks the official beginning of winter.冬至在北半球是一年里最短的一天,同时也标志着冬天正式开始。
Pinyin: dōng
Meaning: winter
Radical: 夂
Stokes: 5
Traditional: 冬
Common words/Phrase:
冬储 [dōng chǔ] 【preserve for winter】
冬耕 [dōng gēng] 【winter plough】
冬瓜 [dōng guā] 【wax gourd;white gourd】
冬灌 [dōng guàn] 【winter irrigation】
冬天 [dōng tiān] 【winter】
Pinyin: zhì
Meaning: until
Radical: 至
Stokes: 6
Traditional: 至
Common words/Phrase:
至宝 [zhì bǎo] 【most valuable treasure】
至诚 [zhì chéng] 【complete sincerity】
至迟 [zhì chí] 【at(the)latest】
至此 [zhì cǐ] 【here】
至多 [zhì duō] 【at (the) most】