Lesson 059 I’m Full.
日期:2016-01-28 19:26  点击:361
M: Da jia hao. Huanying nimen dao xianzai xue Hanyu. Wo shi ML.
S: Wo shi Stuart. Women mashang kaishi.
M: 今天是第五十九课, lesson 59, di wu shi jiu ke.
S: We're still in the restaurant.
M: Women hai zi canguan.
S: To learn things like, ‘everything's been eaten', and ‘I'm full'.
M: Are you ready? 你们准备好了吗, ni men zhunbei hao le ma?
S: How many dishes did we eat? 我们吃了多少菜, women chi le duo shao cai?
M: 我看一看, wo kan yi kan. Yi er san si wu liu qi, qi ge chaocai. Seven stir-fried dishes, qi ge chaocai.
S: One soup, and two cold dishes. 一个汤, 和两个凉菜, yi ge tang, he liang ge liang cai.
M: And two bowls of rice, and a bowl of noodles. 还有两碗米饭, 一碗面条, hai you liang wan mifan, yi wan miantiao.
S: Everything's been eaten! 菜都吃完了, cai dou chi wan le!
M: I;m full. 我吃饱了, wo chi bao le.
S: Me, too. 我也是, wo ye shi. Wo ye chi bao le.
S: Now, the new things. ML said:
M: Are you ready, 准备好了吗, zhunbei hao le ma? Zhunbei ZHUNBEI zhunbei, 3rd tone, 4th tone, zhunbei, to ‘prepare'. "Hao le" after a verb literally means ‘good and completed'. So, ni zhunbei hao le ma? ‘are you prepared?'. Say it, ni zhunbei hao le ma, Zhunbei hao le ma?
S: You could reply, zhunbei hao le, zhunbei hao le.
M: And, we had lots of food, including two bowls of rice. 两碗米饭, mifan MIFAN mifan, is ‘cooked rice'. Two bowls of rice, liang wan mifan. And a bowl of noodles, yi wan miantiao, 面条 MIAN TIAO miantiao, noodles. We usually just say, yi wan main, yi wan mian. Yi yang.
S:Everything's eaten! 完 WAN wan, 2nd tone, to ‘finish' or ‘use up'. 完了, finished, wan le. Cai dou chi wan le, all eaten, cai dou chi wan le.
S: I'm full. 我吃饱了.
M: Wo chi bao le. 饱 BAO bao, ‘full', the tummy, that is. I'm full, wo chi bao le, wo chi bao le, or simply, wo bao le, wo bao le, or even, bao le, bao le.
S: Me, too. 我也是,literally, I also am, wo ye shi, wo ye shi.
M: Now, to finish. The dialogue again, full speed.
S: 你们准备好了吗,nimen zhunbei hao le ma?
M: Zhunbei hao le.
S: 我们吃了多少菜,women chi le duo shao cai?
M: 我看一看,wo kan yi kan. Yi er san si wu liu qi, wi ge chaocai. Qi ge chaocai.
S:需要汤,和两个凉菜,yi ge tang, he liang ge liang cai.
M: 还有两碗米饭,一碗面条,hai you liang wan mifan, yi wan miantiao.
S: 菜都吃完了,cai dou chi wan le!
M: 我吃饱了,wo chi bao le.
S: 我也是,wo ye shi
M: Women chi bao le.
S: So, we can go. See you next lesson.
M: Zai jian. 


02/02 18:48
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