What is I Ching (易经, Yì Jīnɡ)? 什么是易经?
日期:2016-03-31 16:20  点击:442
 The I Ching (易经, YìJīnɡ), is also called Yi Jing,is one of the oldest know documents in the world. This “Classic of Change” was written by 3000 years ago, and the Chinese claim was passed down as oral tradition for 2000 years before that.

Its longevity isn't the only wonder the I Ching holds claim to.

It also possesses the uncanny ability to actually communicate with anyone who chooses to use it.

This is no fortune-telling gimmick -- in fact, the I Ching often frustrates attempts to divine the future from its pages.

This oracle is solely concerned with the present -- YOUR present.

It takes you past the tunnel vision and gives you a 360 degree view of your situation.

It goes beyond the realm of your five senses and picks up the subliminal signals that sailed right past your conscious awareness to become filed away in your subconscious.

When you are obsessed with a desire, intent on an outcome, the I Ching gently nudges you and says, "Yes, but have you considered this ...?"This classic's ability to accurately gauge a situation probably seemed like a gift from the gods to the sages who discovered it -- and in a sense, it is.

But modern science is progressively removing the layers of superstition from its legend and replacing it with new understanding that is no less magical.

Like all oracles of the ancient world, the I Ching's message is cloaked in ambiguity.

What makes this oracle ingenious, though, is that its symbols spark the universal archetypes embedded within the Collective Unconscious we all share.

The books of C.G. Jung, the father of modern psychoanalysis, shed light on these archetypes -- a subject much too complex to address here.

Read his foreword in The I Ching Or Book of Changes.

For a quick study, try the entertaining and enlightening writings of Joseph Campbell, for example The Power of Myth.

Another secret of the I Ching's accuracy is its division into 64 sections, representing every situation in life that one might find oneself in.

What is truly brilliant about this classic's formula is that every one of these 64 situations can change into any one of the other 63!

Thus the classic's name, Change.


03/06 02:21
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