Riding on a Tree
日期:2016-05-19 15:08  点击:395
When a woman confuses(弄混) brake(刹车) with gas pedal(油门)…
A Volkswagen riding on a tree in Tianjin city has made many people stunned. It turned out that a female driver has mistakenly(错误地) stepped on the gas pedal when she was trying to dodge(躲避) a scooter(电动车). Then she collided(相撞) with the scooter and then drove the car in reverse gear(倒车档).

Luckily no one was injured.

重点词汇 Key words:

[shā chē] 刹车 brake
[yóu mén] 油门 gas pedal
[dào chē dàng] 倒车档 reverse gear
[nòng hùn] 弄混 confuse
[xiāng zhuàng] 相撞 collide
[duǒ bì] 躲避 dodge
[diàn dòng chē] 电动车 scooter


倒 1.[dǎo] 竖立的东西躺下来 fall
2.[dào] 往后退 back up

相 1.[xiāng] 互相 each other, mutually
2.[xiàng] 容貌、样子 looks, appearance


09/24 01:16
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