Pest-infected Bananas
日期:2016-05-19 15:09  点击:381
Shanghai disposes(销毁) of 60 tons of pest-infected bananas(香蕉).
Two batches(批) of bananas imported(进口) from the Philippines(菲律宾), totaling 60.34 tons(吨), are found to be infected(感染) by pineapple mealybugs at the port(港口) in Shanghai on Friday.

The infected bananas have already been destroyed. The pineapple mealybug, which lives on plant surfaces, can eventually(最终) kill(杀死) the whole plant. once(一旦) imported, the pest may lead(引发) to significant(重大的) agricultural losses(损失).

词汇 Words:

[xiāng jiāo] 香蕉 banana
[gǎng kǒu] 港口 port
[sǔn shī] 损失 loss
[xiāo huǐ] 销毁 dispose
[jìn kǒu] 进口 import
[gǎn rǎn] 感染 infect
[yǐn fā] 引发 lead
[shā sǐ] 杀死 kill

重点词汇 Key words:


1. infect:他感染了疟疾。He is infected with malaria.
2. be influenced by:她的笑声感染了全班同学。She infected the whole class with her laughter.

相关水果 Related fruits:

[bō luó] 菠萝 pineapple
[píng guǒ] 苹果 apple
[cǎo méi] 草莓 strawberry
[xī guā] 西瓜 watermelon
[táo zi] 桃子 peach
[pú táo] 葡萄 grape
[níng méng] 柠檬 lemon
[máng guǒ] 芒果 mango
[jú zi] 桔子 orange
[lǐ zi] 李子 plum
[yē zi] 椰子 coconut
[lí] 梨 pear
[xìng] 杏 apricot


09/24 01:19
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