A "Naked Marriage" Ceremony
日期:2016-05-19 15:12  点击:387
Post-1990s couples attend a "Naked Marriage" ceremony in Hangzhou.

Twenty pairs(对) of young couples wearing(穿) clothes(衣服) adorned(装饰) with flowers(花) and green grass(草) got married. They kissed each other and sealed the commitment with a naked marriage oath(誓言): 'I have no money and cars, but I will love you all my life'.

Naked marriage is used to describe(描述) a growing number of marriages(婚姻) in which couples have no significant assets(资产) such as a wedding ring(戒指), house(房) or car(车).

词汇 words:

[luǒ hūn] 裸婚 naked marriage
[qíng lǚ] 情侣 couple
[shì yán] 誓言 oath
[qīn wěn] 亲吻 kiss
[jiè zhi] 戒指 ring
[duì] 对 pair
[chuān] 穿 wear
[zhuāng shì] 装饰 adorn

重点词汇 Key words:

1.<量词 measure word> pair:一对新人 a pair of newly married couple
2.<形容词 adj.> 对面,opposite
Eg. 旅馆在火车站对面。The hotel is opposite the railway station.
3.<形容词 adj.> 正确的,correct
Eg.——这是你的吗?——对。——Is this yours? ——Yes.
4.<动词 v.> 对答案,check the answers
5.<介词 Prep.> to,towards
Eg. 他让我转达对你的问候。He asked me to give your regards.


09/23 23:29
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