Body Made into Gold Buddha
日期:2016-05-19 15:19  点击:381
Monk's mummified body to be made into a gold Buddha statue

A monk in a temple(寺庙) in Quanzhou, southeast China's Fujian province, died three and a half years ago but his body did not decompose(腐烂) at all and was made into a gold Buddha(佛像) statue.

Since Jan. 10, 2016, the monk’s body had gone through a series of treatments(处理) including sterilizing(消毒) and painting(刷漆). After three months, workers picked March 16 for the last(最后的) process(工序) — gilding(贴金).

词汇 Words:

[sēng rén] 僧人 monk
[sì miào] 寺庙 temple
[fó xiàng] 佛像 Buddha
[fǔ làn] 腐烂 decompose
[xiāo dú] 消毒 sterilize
[shuā qī] 刷漆 paint
[gōng xù] 工序 process

重点词汇 Key words:

人 <名词 n.>
1. 各种类别的 person of different kinds:白人(white people),僧人(monk),客人(guest)
2. 总称,human being:人多好办事。Many hands make light work.
3. 人的性格,a person's character,reputation, etc.: 她人好。She is nice.


09/23 23:33
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