Mechanic Made Racing Car
日期:2016-05-19 15:26  点击:381
A Chinese car mechanic has made(制造) his own fully functioning racing car which can run at speeds(速度) of up to 145 km(千米) per hour(小时).

based on an Ariel Atom - a road legal high performance sports car - it took him only 21 days to make it, at a cost(费用) of just 1384 US dollars. The 3.4 meter-long car weighs(重) 490 kilograms(公斤) and is equipped with 6 springs allowing it to run smoothly on all(所有的) terrains(地形).
The mechanic, 34-year-old Wen Chao from Zhuzhou in Hunan Province, says he's so far driven the car more than 6000 kilometers without it breaking down once. Wen also says the fuel-efficient vehicle can run for up to 200 kilometers on just 10 US dollars worth of fuel(燃料), at current(目前的) oil prices.

词汇 Words:

[zhì zào] 制造 build
[sù dù] 速度 speed
[fèi yòng] 费用 cost
[rán liào] 燃料 fuel
[qiān mǐ] 千米 kilometer
[gōng jīn] 公斤 kilogram

常见车 Vehicle:

[gōng gòng qì chē] 公共汽车 bus
[zì xíng chē] 自行车 bike
[mó tuō chē] 摩托车 motorbike
[chū zū chē] 出租车 taxi
[huǒ chē] 火车 train
[sài chē] 赛车 racing car
[pǎo chē] 跑车 sports car
[jǐng chē] 警车 police car
[xiāo fáng chē] 消防车 fire engine
[jiù hù chē] 救护车 ambulance
[yuè yě chē] 越野车 SUV


09/23 23:35
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