Odd Graduate Photos 古怪的毕业照
日期:2016-06-13 17:21  点击:456
Some graduating college seniors in China have taken odd(古怪的) graduate photos(毕业照).

Male(男) students from a university in Huhan, central China's Hubei Province, dressed in wedding gowns and posed for group photos(合照) with their only female(女) classmate.

A group of male students from the same(同一的) region chose to wear(穿) 1920's female student suits. Their photos have since gone viral.

词汇 Words:

[nán] 男 male
[nǚ] 女 female
[bì yè zhào] 毕业照 graduate photo
[hé zhào] 合照 group photo
[gǔ guài de] 古怪的 odd

对话 Dialogue:

A: 他们的毕业照很古怪。They took odd graduate photos.
B: 怎么个怪法? In what way?
A: 男的穿婚纱,女的穿西服。Male students dressed in wedding gowns, and female students wore suit.


09/23 23:22
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