Graduation Season 毕业季
日期:2016-06-13 17:22  点击:902
Graduation season(季节) has already been here and all manner of graduation photos had filled(充满) the screen(屏幕).

Some may still search for the portrait tips(建议) while art students seem not to feel troubled(烦恼) about posing for photos.

Students from Department of Art in Sanxia University(三峡大学) pose for their graduation photos in dancing costumes(服装) in a dancing room to capture(捕捉) the once-in-a-life-time memories(记忆).

词汇 Words:

[jì jiē] 季节 season
[chōng mǎn] 充满 fill
[jiàn yì] 建议 tip
[fán nǎo] 烦恼 trouble
[fú zhuāng] 服装 costume
[jì yì] 记忆 memory

重点词汇 Key words:

1. 季节 season:夏季,summer;秋季,autumn
2. 一个时间段 period of time:淡季,slack time;雨季,rainy season;毕业季,graduation season


09/23 21:21
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