The Dizigui 弟子规 "Rules for young boys" is a textbook of elementary learning written by the Qing period 清 (1644-1911) writer Li Yuxiu 李毓秀. The original title was Xunmengwen 训蒙文 "Elementary text on compliancy". It was compiled according to the essay Tongmeng xu zhi 童蒙须知 "What small kids have to know" by the Southern Song period 南宋 (1127-1279) Neo-Confucian philosopher Zhu Xi 朱熹. In four chapters, Li explains the comportment of a Confucian scholar: Filial piety at home, brotherly obeisance outside, reverential and trustful, broad-minded and kindhearted to all people. "The rest of his physical and mental forces are dedicated to learning." (Xing you yu li, ze yi xue wen. 行有余力,则以学文). After revision, the book was renamed Dizigui. It is 360 sentences long, with 1080 characters. The text is written in three-word verses and thus easily to memorize.
The Dizigui is included in the collectanea Qinglu congshu 清麓丛书, Yangmengshu shizhong 养蒙书十种 and Tongmeng bi du shu童蒙必读书. At the end of the 19th century, the Dizigui became a textbook in elementary schools and was widely read.
The Dizigui is included in the collectanea Qinglu congshu 清麓丛书, Yangmengshu shizhong 养蒙书十种 and Tongmeng bi du shu童蒙必读书. At the end of the 19th century, the Dizigui became a textbook in elementary schools and was widely read.