Toothpick Buildings 牙签建筑
日期:2016-06-29 16:53  点击:652
Meet 75-year-old Huang Daode who after retiring(退休) has built more than 20 model buildings using bamboo(竹) chopsticks(筷子) and toothpicks(牙签).

Buildings such as the famous Shanghai Pearl Tower, Beijing Bird's Nest, the Eiffel Tower, etc. are all part of his creations.

Living in Wuhan, capital of central China's Hubei province, he has made many Wuhan city landmarks(地标) and hopes one day to recreate all of his city's local landmarks.

重点词汇 Key words:

[kuài zi] 筷子 chopstick
[yá qiān] 牙签 toothpick

其它餐具 Other tableware supplies:

[pán zi] 盘子 plate
[dié] 碟 dish
[wǎn] 碗 bowl
[sháo] 勺 spoon
[dāo] 刀 knife
[chā] 叉 fork
[bēi] 杯 cup
[pén] 盆 basin


09/23 21:29
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