International Day of Yoga 瑜伽
日期:2016-06-29 16:53  点击:903
More than 1,000 yoga fans attended(参加) the event(活动) to mark the International Day of Yoga on June 21 and also promote(提升) awareness(意识) of health(健康) through sports in Taiyuan City, the capital of North China's Shanxi Province.

Yoga, an ancient(古老的) physical(身体的), mental(心理的) and spiritual(精神的) practice(练习) that originated(起源) in India, has gained popularity(流行) in China in recent years.

词汇 Words:

[qǐ yuán] 起源 originate
[gǔ lǎo de] 古老的 ancient
[shēn tǐ de] 身体的 physical
[xīn lǐ de] 心理的 mental
[jīng shén de] 精神的 spiritual
[liú xíng] 流行 popularity

重点词汇 Key words:

1. <动词 v.> originate (in/from)
E.g., 这风俗起源于国外。The custom originates in another country.
2. <名词 n.> origin; beginning
E.g., 埃及文化的起源。beginning of Egyptian culture


09/23 21:29
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