Mother and daughter-in-law dramas 中国婆媳剧
日期:2016-07-22 14:45  点击:470
Kàn diànshìjù shì rénmen de rìchánɡ xiāoqiǎn zhī yī, jìnnián lái, wǒmen jīnɡchánɡ huì kàndào póxíjù, wèishénme póxíjù zài zhōnɡɡuó zhème shènɡxínɡ?
Watching TV is one of the people's daily pastime, in recent years, we often see the Mother and daughter-in-law dramas, why the Mother and daughter-in-law dramas is so popular in China?

“Póxíjù” zhǐ yíbù diànshìjù de tícái shì rúhé chúlǐ póxí zhījiān de ɡuānxi. Jìnniánlái, cǐlèi tícái de diànshìjù pínpín chūxiàn zài yínɡmùshànɡ, xiānɡdānɡ rèmén. Zhōnɡɡuórén wèishénme ài pāi、bìnɡqiě ài kàn zhèyànɡ de jiātínɡjù ne?zhè hé zhōnɡɡuó de chuántǒnɡ wénhuà mìqiè xiānɡɡuān.
“Mother and daughter-in-law dramas” are television series whose theme is how to deal with the relationship between a bride and her mother-in-law. In recent years, such series have appeared frequently on screen and have grown very popular. Why do Chinese people like to shoot and watch this kind of television series? The answer is closely related to Chinese traditional culture.
Póxí ɡuānxi kéyǐ shuō shì zhōnɡɡuó jiātínɡ nèibù rénjì ɡuānxi zhōnɡ dì yíɡè chuántǒnɡ nántí. Hé xīfānɡrén bù yíyànɡ, chánɡjiǔ yǐlái zhōnɡɡuórén xǐhuɑn yíɡè dàjiātínɡ zhù zài yìqǐ, nánrén jiéhūn zhīhòu, dàduōshù yàohé fùmǔ tónɡzhù, zhèyànɡ xīnlái de nǚrén(xífù) hé zhīqián de nǚzhǔrén(pópó) jiùhuì chǎnshēnɡ hěnduō máodùn. Zài fēnɡjiàn shèhuì, póxí ɡuānxi shì yìzhǒnɡ bù pínɡděnɡ de rénjì ɡuānxi, xífù bìxū tīnɡmìnɡ yú pópó, pópó yěhuì jīnɡchánɡ diāonàn xífù, rànɡ tā ɡènɡjiā tīnɡhuà, děnɡ zhèxiē xífù dānɡ le pópó, zài qù ɡuǎnjiào tāmen de xífù, zhèzhǒnɡ chuántǒnɡ bǎochí le jǐqiān nián. Búɡuò jìnxiē nián, 80 niándài chūshēnɡ de nǚháimen jiéhūn chénɡjiā, tāmen yǒu zìjǐ de shìyè hé zhǔjiàn, zhuīqiú pínɡděnɡ hé dúlì, bù xǐhuɑn mánɡmù tīnɡcónɡ pópó de xiánɡfǎ, yúshì xīn de póxí ɡuānxi chūxiàn le, dàjiā dōu hěn kùnhuò, zěnme cáinénɡ ɡènɡ héxié dì xiānɡchǔ ne? “póxíjù” yìnɡyùnérshēnɡ, zhèxiē diànshìjù lèɡuān de tàidù hé xīnxiān de xiánɡfǎ, ɡěi le póxí yǐjí jiá zài zhōnɡjiān de zhànɡfu hěnduō qǐshì, dàshòu huānyínɡ yěshì lǐsuǒyīnɡɡāi de le.
婆媳关系可以说是中国家庭内部人际关系中的一个传统难题。和西方人不一样,长久以来中国人喜欢一个大家庭住在一起,男人结婚之后,大多数要和父母同住,这样新来的女人(媳妇)和之前的女主人(婆婆)就会产生很多矛盾。在封建社会,婆媳关系是一种不平等的人际关系,媳妇必须听命于婆婆,婆婆也会经常刁难媳妇,让她更加听话,等这些媳妇当了婆婆,再去管教他们的媳妇,这种传统保持了几千年。不过近些年, 80年代出生的女孩们结婚成家,她们有自己的事业和主见,追求平等和独立,不喜欢盲目听从婆婆的想法,于是新的婆媳关系出现了,大家都很困惑,怎么才能更和谐地相处呢? “婆媳剧”应运而生,这些电视剧乐观的态度和新鲜的想法,给了婆媳以及夹在中间的丈夫很多启示,大受欢迎也是理所应该的了。
The relationship between a bride and her mother-in-law is a traditional problem of interpersonal relations in Chinese families. Unlike Westerners, Chinese people have long preferred to live as large families. After a man gets married, he will often want to live with his parents, meaning that the newly arrived lady (the daughter-in-law) and the former matriarch (the mother-in-law) often have many conflicts. In feudal society, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was unequal in that the daughter-in-law had to listen to her mother-in-law, so the mother-in-law often purposely created difficulties for the daughter-in-law. When the daughter-in-law became a mother-in-law, she would do the same things to her daughter-in-law. This tradition has continued for thousands of years. But in recent years, girls born in the 1980s have started to get married, and they have their own careers and opinions. They pursue equality and independence, and they do not like to accept blindly their mother-in-laws’ opinions. Thus, new relationships between mother-in-laws and daughter-in-laws have appeared, and many people are wondering, “How can we get along more harmoniously?” Dramas about mothers and daughter-in-laws have emerged as a product of their time. The optimistic attitudes and fresh ideas of these shows inspire mother-in-laws, daughter-in-laws, and husbands alike, making them bound to be popular.

婆媳 póxí:mother and daughter-in-law
电视剧 diànshìjù:dramas
屏幕 pínɡmù:screen
80年代 80niándài:1980s
事业 shìyè:careers
主见 zhǔjiàn:opinions


03/04 19:03
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