日期:2016-08-11 16:34  点击:362
UNICEF issues Yushu Earthquake One Year Report

2010年4月14日,北京 – 一年之前,青海省西北部的玉树藏族自治县发生了一场里氏7.1级地震。一年以来,联合国儿童基金会与政府部门合作开展援助行动,拯救生命,重建希望,为受地震影响的妇女儿童创造新的机会。




? 向超过25000名儿童提供了越冬衣物,包括棉夹克、棉裤和棉靴;
? 向灾区学校提供了教学用帐篷,帮助7500名学生在灾后第12天实现复课;
? 设立四所儿童友好家园,向灾区儿童提供社会心理支持和安全的环境,已有近5000名儿童受益;
? 向灾区学校提供了板房,用于冬季教学以及永久性校舍完工前的过渡,预计将使用至少三年,为4500名学生提供了一个相对安全和舒适的学习环境;
? 向21500名学生提供了教学和游戏用工具包,包括学生包、图书包和体育包;
? 联合国儿童基金会支持了玉树灾后群体性预防接种工作,超5000名儿童在该活动中接种疫苗;
? 为震区提供了医疗卫生设备,用于妇幼卫生服务的恢复,覆盖近10万人口;
? 受益于联合国儿童基金会提供的医疗设备,已有600名新生儿在震后安全的出生;
? 向灾区提供了12万份卫生包,帮助当地群众灾后保持个人卫生;
? 联合国儿童基金会支持建设的卫生厕所接近完工,可供14500名学生使用;
? 提高儿童友好家园工作人员的能力,帮助他们开展基于社区的儿童服务。





UNICEF issues Yushu Earthquake One Year Report

One year ago, a 7.1-magnitude earthquake hit Yushu Tibetan Autonomous County in northwest China's Qinghai Province. In the year since the earthquake, UNICEF support has helped to save lives, restore hope and create opportunities for emergency-affected children and women.

Immediately after the earthquake, UNICEF's support focused on responding to the emergency needs of children and women and protecting the lives of survivors, who were vulnerable to cold, hunger and psychological distress. UNICEF rushed warm clothing, wool blankets, medical equipment, hygiene kits and winterized school tents to the emergency zone.

In the ongoing recovery and reconstruction phase, UNICEF has helped students return to safe classroom environments with quality learning materials, established Child Friendly Spaces to provide community-based protection and psychosocial support services, supported the reestablishment of maternal and child health services, and improved hygiene and sanitation conditions in schools and communities.

Highlights of the UNICEF response include:

? 25,000 children provided with warm winter clothing, including jackets, pants and boots
? 7,500 schoolchildren provided with classroom tents 12 days after earthquake
? 5,000 children provided with psychosocial support and a safe environment in which to recover
   through the establishment of four Child Friendly Spaces
? 4,500 schoolchildren provided with prefabricated classrooms in the medium-term response, to be used until new school buildings are constructed
? 21,500 schoolchildren provided with educational and recreational materials, including student
   kits, Chinese and Tibetan language library kits and sports kits
? 5,000 children vaccinated through the UNICEF-supported emergency vaccination campaign
? Medical equipment provided to support the reestablishment of maternal and child health services, covering a population of 100,000
? 600 babies safely delivered with the support of UNICEF-provided medical equipment
? 120,000 people provided with hygiene kits to maintain personal hygiene
? Construction of UNICEF-supported school latrines nearing completion, benefiting 14,500 students
? Increased capacity to provide community-based child services and social work among Child
  Friendly Space staff

To date, UNICEF has provided US$ 4.3 million dollars for earthquake relief and recovery. This assistance was made possible through the generous support of donors, including the Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF, the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the Japan Committee for UNICEF, the US Fund for UNICEF, and others.

Much work remains to be done. As massive reconstruction kicks off with the one year  anniversary, and the government begins to rebuild schools, homes, hospitals and other public service facilities, UNICEF will continue to reach out to the  most vulnerable populations, support local capacity-building, and work to enhance the quality of services for children and women.

about UNICEF in China

UNICEF first assisted China between 1947 and 1951, providing emergency services, food and nutrition, health and hygiene training during and after the war of liberation. In 1979 UNICEF officially commenced its cooperation with the Government of China to support child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS. UNICEF is on the ground in over 150 countries and territories to help children survive and thrive, from early childhood through adolescence.

(China.org.cn April 15, 2011)


03/04 08:08
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