中国将严管婴儿食品 Stricter standards for infant foods
日期:2016-08-11 16:37  点击:284




Stricter standards for infant foods

China's health authority said Sunday the country would impose stricter and more scientific safe limits on toxic metals including arsenic, lead and cadmium in complementary baby foods in the future, Xinhua reports.

The Ministry of Health has asked experts to review the impact of these metals on the infants' health to this end.

In addition, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention said in a statement Sunday that China now enforces stricter limits on toxic metals including arsenic, lead and cadmium in grain baby foods than the standards set by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC).

The CAC did not set limits on arsenic and lead, while China allows 200 micrograms of each of these two elements per kilogram.

(China.org.cn April 19, 2011)


03/04 07:52
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