Dōng shī xiào pín 【东 施 效 颦】 Dongshi Furrows Her Brow
日期:2016-09-29 16:50  点击:452
A long time ago, there lived a beautiful maiden, Xishi. Her beauty was peerless. But she was stuck by heart trouble, which caused her great pain. So much so that she held her hand to her chest and furrowed her brow when she walked.
Now there was an ugly woman who lived in the neighborhood. One day, she saw Xishi walking in the village street, with her hand on her chest and furrowed brow.
She was so in awe of Xishi that she decided to imitate Xishi's walk, not realizing that this only made her even more ugly.
She looked so hideous that people shut their doors as she walked by, and pulled their children away from her.
    Dà     jīng     xi?o     guài
【     大     惊     小     怪     】
To be alarmed at something apparently normal; to make a fuss about nothing
    Dà     shā     fēng     j?ng
【     大     煞     风     景     】
To spoil the fun, mar the pleasure
    Xi?o     ni?o     yī     rén
【     小     鸟     依     人     】
A term of endearment typically used on a loveable child.
    Xi?o     dù     jī     cháng
【     小     肚     鸡     肠     】

Small or narrow-minded
    Hu?     shàng     jiāo     yóu
【     火     上     浇     油     】

To pour oil on the fire; to make matters worse
    Hu?     h?i     dāo     shān
【     火     海     刀     山     】

A sea of flames and mountain of swords – describes severe trials and tribulations


09/23 21:31
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