There once lived a family whose chimney was straight up and down, and who kept a pile of firewood next to their stove. One day, a passerby noticed this, and immediately ran in and suggested to the family that they curve their chimney and move their woodpile. Otherwise, he said, the wood could easily catch fire. The owner of the house did not agree and therefore did not take the man's advice.
Not long afterwards, the family's woodpile really did catch fire. Fortunately, their neighbors all came to help, and before long they had put the fire out. In order to express his gratitude, the owner of the hose invited all of his neighbors over for a large feast. One of the guests asked him why he hadn't invited the man who had suggested curving the chimney and moving the firewood, reminding him that if he had taken this man's advice in the first place, there would've been no fire. The owner agreed, and immediately invited this man to join the feast.
Today, taking measures to prevent disaster can be referred to as "bending the chimney and moving the firewood."
不久这家失火了。左邻右舍都来救火,费了好大力气才将火扑灭,不少人还受了伤。主人过意不去,杀牛买酒,请那些烧焦头发、烧烂额头(焦头烂额)的人坐在上 席,其余的人论功排座次。有人提醒主人说:“当初你要听从那位朋友的话,就不会失火了,今天也用不着杀牛买酒待客了。现在,向你建议曲突徙薪的人没有被邀 请,反而是焦头烂额的人坐在了上席。”主人明白过来,马上请来那位朋友,让他坐了首席。
曲突徙薪 (qū tū xǐ xīn)
【翻译】To Bend The Chimney and Move The Firewood.
【释义】曲:弯;突:烟囱;徙:迁移;薪:柴草。把烟囱改建成弯的,把灶旁的柴草搬走。比喻 事先采取措施,才能防止灾祸。
Not long afterwards, the family's woodpile really did catch fire. Fortunately, their neighbors all came to help, and before long they had put the fire out. In order to express his gratitude, the owner of the hose invited all of his neighbors over for a large feast. One of the guests asked him why he hadn't invited the man who had suggested curving the chimney and moving the firewood, reminding him that if he had taken this man's advice in the first place, there would've been no fire. The owner agreed, and immediately invited this man to join the feast.
Today, taking measures to prevent disaster can be referred to as "bending the chimney and moving the firewood."
不久这家失火了。左邻右舍都来救火,费了好大力气才将火扑灭,不少人还受了伤。主人过意不去,杀牛买酒,请那些烧焦头发、烧烂额头(焦头烂额)的人坐在上 席,其余的人论功排座次。有人提醒主人说:“当初你要听从那位朋友的话,就不会失火了,今天也用不着杀牛买酒待客了。现在,向你建议曲突徙薪的人没有被邀 请,反而是焦头烂额的人坐在了上席。”主人明白过来,马上请来那位朋友,让他坐了首席。
曲突徙薪 (qū tū xǐ xīn)
【翻译】To Bend The Chimney and Move The Firewood.
【释义】曲:弯;突:烟囱;徙:迁移;薪:柴草。把烟囱改建成弯的,把灶旁的柴草搬走。比喻 事先采取措施,才能防止灾祸。