Chinese Idiom:三顾茅庐 (sān gù máo lú)
日期:2017-05-27 17:07  点击:349
In the third century, China was divided into three kingdoms: Wei (wèi guó 魏国) in the north, Shu (shǔ guó 蜀国) in the southwest and Wu (wú guó 吴国) in the southeast. Shu was a weak state. The head of Shu, Liu Bei (liú bèi 刘备), was searching for talents everywher for the kingdom. He heard of a very wise and knowledgeable man called Zhuge Liang (zhū gě liàng 诸葛亮) who lived in Longzhong in Hubei province. So Liu decided to invite him to be his prime minister to help strengthen the State of Shu. In the year 207AD, Liu Bei with his sworn brothers Guan Yu (guān yǔ 关羽) and Zhang Fei (zhāng fēi 张飞) traveled to Longzhong to ask Zhuge Liang to assist him. But Zhuge was not at home. Thus they had to return disappointedly.

Later, they came again. But again they failed to see Zhuge, because he had been wandering about for days and hadn't yet come back. This time, Liu Bei left a note expressing his meaning.

Some days passed, Liu wanted to make a third visit. Guan and Zhang wanted to stop him, but in vain. This time, Zhuge Liang was at home but he was sleeping. Liu let Guan and Zhang stand at the door, and he stood by the bed. When Zhuge woke up and saw him, he was moved by his sincerity. He complied with Liu's request and became his prime minister. With the help of Zhuge, Liu enlarged his territory and his kingdom became as strong as the Wu and Shu.

Later, people use it to describe people who invite someone in all sincerity and eagerness.

公元三世纪,中国被分为三大部分:北边是魏国,东南是吴国,西南是蜀国。蜀国没有其他两个国家强大。为了蜀国日后的强大,蜀王刘备四处求才。他听说隆中有 个杰出的人才叫诸葛亮。于是,他决定邀请诸葛亮出山,帮助他兴盛蜀国。公元207年,他在结拜兄弟关羽、张飞的陪同下,亲自到隆中去拜访诸葛亮。第一次 去,诸葛亮不在家,刘备他们只得失望的回去了。


过了几天,刘备又要去拜访诸葛亮,关羽、张飞都劝他不要去,可刘备坚持要去,关羽、张飞只好再次陪着他前去。这次,诸葛亮在家,但正在睡觉。刘备就让关羽 和张飞守在门口,自己站在床边等他醒来。诸葛亮醒后,见刘备站在床前,非常感动。他答应了刘备的请求,离开隆中,成为刘备的主要谋士。在诸葛亮的帮助下, 蜀国日益强大,形成了与东吴、曹魏三国并立的局面。


三顾茅庐(sān gù máo lú)
【翻译】Make three calls at the thatched cottage.


12/12 23:53
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