Chinese Idiom:与狐谋皮(yǔ hú móu pí)
日期:2017-07-04 17:03  点击:444
In ancient times there was a man who was very fond of fur clothes and fine food. He asked a fox to give him its pelt, but the fox ran away. He then asked a sheep for its meat, but the sheep too ran away.
This idiom means that it is impossible to discuss with the vicious about getting profits from them.


这个故事原来叫“与狐谋皮”, 后来转化成“与虎谋皮”,比喻跟恶人商量要他牺牲自己的利益,那是绝对办不到的。

与狐谋皮 (yǔ hú móu pí)
【翻译】Borrowing the Skin from a Fox.


09/23 01:21
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