Chinese Proverbs 当局者迷,旁观者清
日期:2017-08-01 17:17  点击:707
dāng jú zhě mí, páng guān zhě qīng
当 局 者 迷, 旁 观 者 清

The spectators see more of the game than the players.

解释 ( paraphrase )
拿着旗子下棋的人往往容易迷惑糊涂, 在旁边观看下棋的人反而常常看的更加清楚。这条谚语告诉我们: 一件事情的当时人往往因为对利害得失考虑的太多,看问题反而不全面;而局外人常常能够冷静地观察思考,所以反而看的更加清楚。

This proverb points out that a person involved in a matter usually does not have a comprehensive overview of it due to too much concentration on gains and losses, while the onlookers, who have a calmer and more objective attitude, have a better grasp of what is going on.

Referring to the player.
The spectators.

造句 ( example )
当局者迷, 旁观者清, 很多时候, 在外人看起来很简单的一件事情, 自己却总是犯迷糊, 不知道该如何去做。


09/22 21:22
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