Chat attack
subway ticket
A: I heard that the prices of subway tickets will be increased.
(tīnɡshuō dìtiěpiào yào zhǎnɡjià le.)
B: But I have to say that two yuan is too cheap. And experts have said that increasing the price will help decrease the large flow of people during rush hour. But I don't believe that it will work.
(bùɡuò wǒ děi shuō liǎng yuán tài piányi le, zhuānjiā shuō zhǎnɡjià kěyǐ huǎnjiě ɡāofēnɡ rénliúliànɡ, dànshì wǒ bù xiānɡxìn zhèyànɡ yǒuyònɡ .)