Daily Figurative Slangs 唱白脸 Wear the white mask of the villain
日期:2017-12-22 16:27  点击:397
唱白脸 Wear the white mask of the villain
【注音】chàng bái liǎn
If you’ve ever seen a Beijing Opera, you’ll surely notice that “villains”would always wear a white make-up. So this expression means you pretend to be harsh and severe. (often used in contrast to “wear the red mask of a hero”, see chang hong lian)
Ex.:In my family, I’ll play the harsh guy in educating our child.

Wear the red mask of a hero
【注音】chàng hóng liǎn
Again in Beijing Opera, heroes normally wear red make-up,so this expression means you pretend to be generous and kind. (often used in contrast to “wear the white mask of the villain”)
Ex1.:Don't look at that kind attitude of the old man, actually he is trying to play the good guy for his company.

Ex2.:One coaxes, the other coerces.


09/22 01:24
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