Daily Figurative Slangs Business Chinese(1)
日期:2017-12-22 16:37  点击:340
Business Chinese(1)

打电话 Make & Take Phone Calls


B:喂!你好!是XX公司吗?Hello!Is that XX company?

A:不好意思,您打错了。Sorry, you've dialed the wrong number.

B:什么?打错了?哦,对不起。What? A wrong Number? Oh, I'm sorry.


A:您好!XX公司!Hello, XX Company.

B:你好!请问赵经理在吗?Hello! May I speak to Manager Zhao?

A:他现在不在,请问您是哪位?He is not here at the moment. Who's calling?

B:我是北京的李岩。It is Li Yan calling from Beijing.

A:哦,李经理您好。Oh, It's you, Mr. Li.

B:你好,我有急事找赵经理。I've got something urgent to tell Manager Zhao.

A:哦,您可以打他手机。You may get him by his mobile phone.

B:他的手机号多少?What's the number, please?


B:12345678966, 对吗?It's 12345678966, am I right?

A:对。 Yes。

B:谢谢!再见!Thank you, Bye.

A:不客气,再见。You're welcome, Bye.


09/22 01:20
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