Popular Chinese Words: Bailing
日期:2018-01-17 16:37  点击:3484
The白领(bailing) was the first of being popular in mid 1990’s. Now their monthly salary may vary from 3000 to 8000. When it was first coined, it implies a higher level in social stratum than today. In mid 1990s, there are titles such as worker, peasant, teacher, boss, officials. A bailing means a high salary. A 3000-yuan-per month salary is quite enviable at that time, which is much higher than most of worker, teacher, and officials (If they don’t accept bribery). At the same time, the bailing means a well-educated background. A laoban usually has a much higher salary than a Bailing, but they are imprinted the marks of 暴发户(baofahu). When China start its reform from 1989, the first batch of people who are little-educated were more aggressive in trying to find a better way to earn money because they have nothing.
Later, bailing seemed not so as attractive as before. Every one who engaged in mental labor can be called a bailing, even though he is always making a hard living with a meager income. Then 穷白领(qiongbailing)was coined and many bailings loved to used it to show that they are only an employee and not as wealthy as people thought. At the same time, the 金领(jinling)was created to address those who actually have good job, good income.
月薪5000以上1万以下的是穷白领, 他们领得钱不多却天天忙得加班,忙得连休息去玩的时间都没有,更不懂得情调了。也不能嫁!


09/21 18:41
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