创意萌狗迎新年 Artist uses various materials to draw dog images
日期:2018-05-15 15:17  点击:359
A photographer in Kaifeng(开封) city of Henan province showcased a series of creative dog images(形象) made by him to celebrate(庆祝) the Start of Spring(立春), the first(第一) of the 24 solar terms(节气) in Chinese lunar calendar(农历), which fell on Sunday. The images are made of tree branches(树枝), ice cubes(冰块) and foodstuff(食物). The artist drew(画) the images to welcome(欢迎) the upcoming Year of the Dog(狗年).

词汇 Words:

[xíng xiàng] 形象 image
[jié qi] 节气 solar term
[nóng lì] 农历 lunar calendar
[shù zhī] 树枝 branch
[bīng kuài] 冰块 ice cube
[shí wù] 食物 foodstuff
[qìng zhù] 庆祝 celebrate
[huān yíng] 欢迎 welcome
[huà] 画 draw
[dì yī] 第一 first

重点词汇 Key word:

    <动词 v.> (of plants)bud; shoot forth; sprout
    E.g. Tā hái chùyú méngyá jiēduàn。
    It is still in an embryonic stage.

    <动词 v.> begin; start
    E.g. Tā gùtài fùméng,jīhū yòu xiàng yī nián qián nàyàng duōduō bīrén le。
    He was almost back to his belligerent mood of twelve months ago.

    <形容词 adj.> adorable; cute
    E.g. Nà xiǎo bǎobèi hǎo méng ā!
    That baby is so adorable!


09/22 11:29
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