雪后西安“折叠”现奇幻大片 Photo artist provides unique perspective on snow-covered Xi'an
日期:2018-08-24 16:43  点击:315
Thanks to some clever photoshopping(修图), a Chinese photo artist provides a unique(独特的) perspective(视角) of Xi'an, the capital of northwest China's Shaanxi Province. The photo, captured(拍摄) on January 4, 2018, shows the city covered(覆盖) with a blanket of brilliant white snow(雪).

词汇 Words:

[dú tè de] 独特的 unique
[shì jiǎo] 视角 perspective
[pāi shè] 拍摄 capture
[fù gài] 覆盖 cover
[xuě] 雪 snow

重点词汇 Key word:

    <动词 v.> reveal; show; appear; become visible
    E.g. Tā jiélì ràng zìjǐ biǎoxiàn de bǐ shíjì gèng zìxìn。
    She did her best to appear more self-assured than she felt.

    <形容词 adj.> present; existing
    E.g. Zhè shì xiàn cún de zuì gǔlǎo de shēngwù。
    This is believed to be the oldest surviving species in the world.

    <副词 adv.> extempore
    E.g. Zhèxiē shì xiàn kǎo de dàngāo。
    These are newly baked cakes.

    <形容词 adj.> available right now; ready
    E.g. Wǒ méi dài xiànjīn。
    I have no cash on me.


09/22 09:31
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