一毕业生所绘树脂画可“以假乱真” Life-like resin paintings fooled even a cat
日期:2018-08-24 16:48  点击:529
Paintings so life-like, they fooled even this cat.

These(这些) fish swimming in stone bowls are actually resin paintings(树脂画) made by a 25-year old recent college graduate(毕业生) Zhao Jiahui who studied oil painting(油画) in the capital(省会) of Shaanxi Province. He then taught himself(自学) the technique of resin painting, and now acts as a teacher to others.

词汇 Words:

[zhè xiē] 这些 these
[shù zhī huà] 树脂画 resin painting
[bì yè shēng] 毕业生 graduate
[yóu huà] 油画 oil painting
[zì xué] 自学 teach oneself

Words relevant to painting 绘画相关词汇:

[guó huà] 国画  Chinese painting
[yóu huà] 油画 oil painting
[shuǐ cǎi huà] 水彩画 watercolour 
[bǎn huà] 版画 engraving 
[màn huà] 漫画 caricature 
[bì huà] 壁画 fresco
[sù miáo] 素描 sketch
[tú yā] 涂鸦 graffiti


09/22 09:50
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