女司机搀扶男子过马路 Woman selflessly helps man across street
日期:2018-10-18 14:40  点击:428
A woman is being praised(表扬) online for selflessly(无私地) helping(帮助) a man on crutches(拐杖) cross the street(过马路).

The man is too(太) slow(慢) while crossing the street, and the traffic light(交通信号灯) changes(变了), leaving him stranded(滞留) in oncoming traffic. A woman driving a white SUV sees this, stops(停) her car, and rushes to help the man make it safely across the road.

After watching the video, traffic police said that the woman had committed no violations(违规), praising her for her actions(行为).

词汇 Words:

[biǎo yáng] 表扬 praise
[bāng zhù] 帮助 help
[biàn] 变 change
[tíng] 停 stop
[zhì liú] 滞留 strand
[xíng wéi] 行为 action

重点词汇 Key word:

    <动词 v.> aid; assist; help
    E.g. Nǐ bāng le wǒ gè dà máng。
    You've been a great help to me.

    <量词 measure word> group; band
    E.g. Lái le yībāng niánqīng rén。
    Here come a group of young people.


09/22 07:36
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