双义肢9岁女孩将亮相纽约时装周 Amputated girl to walk the runway at New York Fashion Week
日期:2019-12-24 14:27  点击:410
 Daisy-May Demetre, a young girl who had both legs(腿 tuǐ) amputated(截肢 jiézhī) when she was a baby, will be walking the runway during New York Fashion Week. She's going to represent the brand(品牌 pǐnpái) Lulu et Gigi Couture. She previously modelled(做模特 zuò mótè) for Nike, River Island, and Boden.
重点词汇 Key word:
<形容词 adj.> two; both; double
E.g. Hézuò duì shuāngfāng yǒulì.
Cooperation benefits both sides.
<量词 measure word> pair
E.g. Měi gè xīn xuénián wǒ dōu yào mǎi yīshuāng xīn xié.
I always like to buy a new pair of shoes before starting a new school year.


02/05 18:52
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