EP27 淘宝 Online Shopping
日期:2020-06-24 19:41  点击:451
 Part I Chinese 101
nǐ zài zuò shí me ?
What are you doing now?
shàng wǎng mǎi dōng xi
online shopping.
yǒu shén me shōu huò ma ?
Have you got anything?
mǎi le yī gè bāo bāo ,yī shuāng xié。
A bag and a pair of shoes.
Words & expressions:
【做】zuò: do sth.
【上网】shàng wǎng:surfing the Internet
【东西】dōng xi:thing; staff person
【收获】shōu huò:harvest; reap; gains
【鞋】xié: shoes
Part II Language Tips
Things You Need To Know about onling Shopping in China;
Interesting facts about Buyers Show and Sellers Show;
Part III Story of The Day
EP27 淘宝 online Shopping
zhèng rén mǎi lǚ
A Man from the State of Zheng Buying Shoes
郑人 means a man from the state of Zheng, 买 means " to buy", 履means "shoes" in formal Chinese. This idiom was used to mock those who believe only in dogmas and ignore reality.
Literal meaning: A man from the state of Zheng buying shoes
Explanation: To believe only in dogma and ignore reality
bú xiàng xìn zì jǐ ,zhī xiàng xìn jiāo tiáo de rén yǒu hěn duō ,tā men jiù xiàng zhèng rén mǎi lǚ yī yàng 。
There are still many people who only believe in dogma but themselves, they are just like the man from state of Zheng buying shoes. 


09/22 05:40
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