Chinese 101: Basic expressions about drink something
Grammar: Say “or” with “或者”&“还是”, and their differences
Language Tips: Choice Phobia Disorder(A fear of making choices or decisions)
Story of The Day: Pass the sham for the genuine 鱼目混珠 yú mù hùn zhū
nǐ xiǎng hē shén me?
What do you want to drink?
kāfēi huòzhě chá,dōu kěyǐ。
Coffee or tea. Either is OK.
hóng chá hái shì lǜ chá
Red tea or green tea?
dōu xíng.
Either is OK.
Words & expressions:
【喝】hē: drink
【咖啡】kāfēi: coffee
【或者】huòzhě: or
【还是】hái shì: or
【茶】chá: tea
【红】hóng: red
【绿】lǜ: green
Hosts: Niu Honglin & Sam Duckett & Lincoln
Programme Editor: Wang Xiaoyu
Producer: Lu Chang