Chinese 101: Talk about a date
Grammar: “了”as “already”
Language Tips: Things you should know about dating in China
Story of the Day: Go back on one's words 出尔反尔 chū ěr fǎn ěr
zuó tiān de yuē huì zěn me yàng ?
How about your date yesterday?
hěn kāi xīn 。wǒ men yī qǐ chī le fàn ,rán hòu kàn le diàn yǐng。
Very happy. We had dinner then watched movie together.
tā biǎo bái le ma?
Did he say he’ into you?
haha,nǐ wù huì lā ,wǒ men zhǐ shì hǎo péng yǒu !
Haha, I think you’ve got something wrong, we’re just good friends!
wǒ bú xìn,tā kěn dìng shì xǐ huān nǐ,cái zǒng shì dān dú yuē nǐ chū qù !
I don’t believe it, he always ask you out personally, he must be adore you!
Words & expressions:
【约会】yuē huì:date
【开心】kāi xīn: happy
【吃饭】chī fàn:have dinner; eat
【看电影】kàn diàn yǐng: watch movie
【表白】biǎo bái: confession; show one’s favour
【误会】wù huì: misunderstanding
【好朋友】hǎo péng yǒu:good friends
【肯定】kěn dìng: must, sure, certainly
【喜欢】xǐ huān: like, admire, adore
【单独】dān dú: single, personally
Hosts: Liu Min & Jessica
Programme Editor: Lu Chang
Producer: Lu Chang