EP128 战胜恐惧 Conquer your fear
日期:2020-09-22 16:54  点击:462
 Talk about your fears & extreme sports
Grammar: Expressing "on the contrary" with "反而fan'er"
“胆小鬼”&“妻管严”,interesting Chinese slangs related to怕
Song:《不要害怕》 Don’t be afraid  by 王力宏 Leehom Wang
Shàng zhōu mò wǒ qù bèng jí le 。Gǎn jué zhēn cì jī !
Last weekend I went to bungee Jumping, it’s so exciting!
B: 好厉害!我恐高,一直不敢尝试。
Hǎo lì hài !wǒ kǒng gāo ,yī zhí bù gǎn cháng shì 。
Awesome! I’m scared of heights, I dare not to try.
Tiào xià qù yǐ hòu ,fǎn ér méi nà me hài pà le 。
once you jump off, it’s not that scary anymore.
Words & expressions:
【周末】zhōu mò:weekend
【蹦极】bèng jí: bungee Jumping
【感觉】gǎn jué: feel
【刺激】cì jī: stimulate ; excite ; irritate ; provoke ; upset
【厉害】lì hài: awesome
【恐高】kǒng gāo:fear of height
【不敢】bù gǎn: dare not
【尝试】cháng shì: try
【跳】tiào: jump
【反而】fǎn ér: on the countray
【害怕】hài pà: fear, afraid, scare


01/31 14:59
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