Say “Are you kidding” in Chinese;
How to use“玩笑”and“开玩笑”
Different kinds of “笑laugh & smile” in Chinese;
Things you need to know about Chinese jokes and Chinese humors;
Song:飞儿乐团《你的微笑》 Your Smile F.I.R
Wǒ xǐ huān nǐ.
I have a crush on you.
B: 你在开玩笑吧?
Nǐ zài kāi wán xiào ba?
Are you kidding?
Wǒ shuō zhēnde.
I’m serious.
Words & expressions:
【喜欢】xǐ huān:like
【开玩笑】kāi wán xiào: to play a joke
【真的】zhēn de:real