EP156 没事 It’s no big deal
日期:2020-09-30 15:57  点击:510
 Chinese 101: How to say “It’s no big deal” in Chinese
Grammar: Expressing "again" in the future with "再zai"
Language Tips:Interesting expression about “Things” in Chinese
Song: 五月天《最重要的小事》The most important tiny things by Mayday
A: 对不起,我今晚有事,不能和你一起吃晚饭了。
Duì bù qǐ ,wǒ jīn wǎn yǒu shì ,bù néng hé nǐ yī qǐ chī wǎn fàn le 。
I’m sorry, I got plans tonight, I can’t have dinner with you.
Méi shì ,nǐ máng ba 。wǒ men xià cì zài yuē 。
It’s no big deal, get your things done first, we can make the appointment next time.
Words & expressions:
【今晚】jīn wǎn: tonight
【不能】bù néng: can not
【一起】yī qǐ: together
【晚饭】wǎn fàn: dinner
【忙】máng: busy
【下次】xià cì: next time
【再】zài: again
【约】yuē: arrange, make an appointment


09/21 14:53
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