《诗经》之《蒹葭》(The Reed)
日期:2021-05-28 16:51  点击:638
 蒹葭苍苍 白露为霜
所谓伊人 在水一方
Green, green the reed
Dew and frost gleam
wher’s she I need
Beyond the stream
溯洄从之 道阻且长
溯游从之 宛在水中央
Upstream I go
the way is long
Downstream I go
She’s there among
蒹葭萋萋 白露未晞
所谓伊人 在水之湄
White, white the reed
Dew not yet dried
wher’s she I need
On the other side
溯洄从之 道阻且跻
溯游从之 宛在水中坻
Upstream I go
Hard is the way
Downstream I go
She’s far away
蒹葭采采 白露未已
所谓伊人 在水之涘
Bright, bright the reed
Dew and frost blend
wher’s she I need
At river’s end
溯洄从之 道阻且右
溯游从之 宛在水中沚
Upstream I go
The way does wind
Downstream I go
She’s far behind


09/21 12:45
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